Consecration to St. Joseph

You are invited to join the Catholic Community at JBLM for the Consecration to St. Joseph. When: February 15 - March 19 Where: Meeting will be held on Zoom For more information or to join please contact Steve Jacobs at or 269-816-2694 Participants will need to purchase the book Consecration to St. Joseph The Wonders of Out Spiritual Father by Donald H. Calloway.

Knights of Columbus Monthly Meeting

Lewis Main Chapel, Fellowship Hall/Activity Room Bldg 2001, South Liggett and Ninth Division Drive, Fort Lewis, WA, United States

Join us for our monthly meeting every third Tuesday of the month at the Fellowship Hall of the Main Post Chapel. If you are not a Knight, please contact Tom Oroho at

Valentine’s Marriage Retreat

Lewis Main Chapel, Fellowship Hall/Activity Room Bldg 2001, South Liggett and Ninth Division Drive, Fort Lewis, WA, United States

Please sign up using this online form: Married couples are invited to attend a 1 and 1/2 day Valentine's retreat led by Fr. Hoffmann. The focus of this retreat is to foster deeper connections with your spouse, growing in faith with one another alongside members of our Catholic community. The itinerary includes daily Mass, Adoration, meals, lecture/discussion time, as well as opportunities for individual meetings with spiritual direction. When: 21 February 1600-2030 and 22 February 0830-1830 **Please plan to attend/sign up for both dates as this is a two-day event- NOT 2 seperate events** Where: Lewis Main Post Chapel, Fellowship Hall Childcare: TBD - Please comment the number and ages of your children.  Location Lewis Main Chapel 2001 9th Division Rd JBLM, WA 98433

Ash Wednesday Mass

St Michael the Archangel Catholic Community at JBLM Ash Wednesday When: Wednesday, March 5, 2024 Madigan Chapel at 11:00 AM Mass and Imposition of Ashes at 12:00 NOON and 6:00PM at Lewis Main Post Chapel Imposition of Ashes at 3:00PM at Lewis Main Post Chapel