Chrysalis in Pictures
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It’s important to have a statement about your photo policies here. For example, at the very least, you should generally choose not to identify a minor by listing their name in the photo information. In addition, it’s also important to let congregants know they can opt out of having their photo used. This space also would be a good location for a copyright notice. Each time you want to publish a batch of photos, do so in a post using the “Gallery” category.
Photo Galleries
Archbishop Broglio’s Christmas Message
As has become customary, the Archbishop has prepared a message for Christmas for the faithful of the AMS. Archbishop Broglio's Christmas Message
K of C Silver Rose Prayer Service
Please join the Knights of Columbus Silver Rose prayer service on December 12 at 5:30pm at the Main Post Chapel. The Silver Rose service shares the message of Our Lady of Guadalupe and promotes the dignity of all human life.
AMS Virtual Advent Retreat
Greetings from the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA. Blessed new liturgical year! The Archdiocese invites all involved in evangelization and catechesis (Priests, CRE’s, CPLC’s, Catechists, Youth Ministry Leaders, and Young Adult Ministry Leaders) to...
Sample Gallery Three
Replace this with a short description of what the gallery is depicting. Be sure to choose the category “Gallery”. Take special care to protect the privacy of minors and others who may not want their pictures shared.
Sample Gallery Two
Replace this with a short description of what the gallery is depicting. Be sure to choose the category “Gallery”. Take special care to protect the privacy of minors and others who may not want their pictures shared.
Sample Blog Post Four
Blog posts are different from news posts in that they often contain more opinion and exploration, than facts. They are a great way for pastors to introduce sermon topics, or to expound on issues that are facing the church, the community, and the world. Blog posts tend...