Chrysalis in Pictures

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It’s important to have a statement about your photo policies here. For example, at the very least, you should generally choose not to identify a minor by listing their name in the photo information. In addition, it’s also important to let congregants know they can opt out of having their photo used. This space also would be a good location for a copyright notice. Each time you want to publish a batch of photos, do so in a post using the “Gallery” category.

Photo Galleries

Lenten Regulations

Lenten Regulations

The season of Lent begins on 14 February 2024 with Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are obligatory days of universal fast and abstinence. Fasting is obligatory for all who have completed their 18th year until the beginning of their 60th year. Fasting...

National Eucharistic Congress

National Eucharistic Congress

The National Eucharistic Congress meets in Indianapolis, Indiana July 17-21. 80,000 Catholicsfrom throughout the United States will gather to celebrate and deepen our love for Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist. Would you like to join the Archdiocese for Military...



We will take up a collection during Lent from February 18, 2024 to March 31, 2024. Join theKnights of Columbus as we help end hunger by donating nonperishable foods in support of the Food for Families program. Please leave food donations in the designated collection...

Holiday Schedule

Holiday Schedule

There will be no daily Mass and the Catholic Pastoral Life coordinator office will be closed 26 to 29 December 2023.

KofC Coats for Kids Drive

KofC Coats for Kids Drive

The Knights of Columbus are colleting new coats for children in need. Please see the announcement for more information.

Potential Government Shutdown

Potential Government Shutdown

Should a government shutdown occur all scheduled Masses, Religious Education and auxiliary events will continue. Daily admin services will cease and questions concerning sacraments should be sent to one of the priests as the he Catholic Religious Education coordinator...