CWOC Tuesday Evening Study

Four Chaplains Memorial Chapel

All women are invited to the Catholic Women of the Chapel faith studies. Please join us as we discuss The Marian Option by Carrie Gress, Phd. We will be discussing Chapter 1 of section 1. It should go to Page 16. We handed out the books at the last meeting, if you did not receive one please come to a meeting and we will get you a copy. Please come even if you did not read! We usually can start a great conversation either way! Please bring a dish to share. There is a potluck thread in the event, but as always, you can just bring yourself!

CWOC Thursday Morning Study

Four Chaplains Memorial Chapel

All women are invited to the Catholic Women of the Chapel faith studies. Join us for Food, Fellowship, and Fun as we begin meeting again after the Holiday break. If you would like to pray the rosary together, please come at 9:15AM. If you are able, please bring a dish/snack to share.  There is a potluck thread in the event, but as always, you can just bring yourself! Childcare will be provided at this meeting. Looking forward to seeing you all soon!