Weekly Bulletin – Sunday, August 25, 2024

Saint Michael the Archangel

Catholic Community Bulletin

Happening Today

FAMILIES REGISTER FOR FAITH FORMATION AND SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION today after 0900 and Noon Masses in the Fellowship Hall, Pre-K to 12th grade. There is no cost. Please sign up each year. Donuts will be provided after the 0900 Mass.

DESIGNATED OFFERING today August 25 for the Archdiocese for Military Services.

Happening Soon

SEPTEMBER 8 is the first day of Catholic Religious Education and Sacramental Preparation for children and adults. Please register today in the Fellowship Hall.

CATHOLIC WOMEN OF THE CHAPEL (CWOC) invites all women for prayer and fellowship as we kick off the Fall faith study meetings. We have Thursday morning and Tuesday evening studies that meet weekly. The morning meeting kick off is on Thursday, August 29, 2024 at the Four Chaplains Memorial Chapel from 9:30 am to 11:30 am. The morn-
ing meetings will be studying Home: Blessed Conversations Catholic Study on the Virtues of Mary. Childcare is provided at the morning meetings. The evening meeting kick off is on Tuesday, September 3, 2024 at the Four Chaplains Memorial Chapel from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. The evening meetings will be studying St. Teresa of Avila’s Interior Castle: Study Edition. For more CWOC events and up to date information, please join the JBLM CWOC Facebook page. We hope to see you soon!

FATHER DAUGHTER DANCE coming up Saturday September 21. Registration begins today August 25. Watch bulletin boards for the notice.

CONFIRMATION IN SEPTEMBER Bishop Neal Buckon is here the weekend of September 22 to confirm those adults and teens who attended Confirmation or OCIA classes in 2023-24. Please turn in your baptismal certificate and contact the Catholic office with your chosen saint name and the name of your Confirmation sponsor.